Hungry Shark Evolution - Gold Rush -

Hungry Shark Evolution – Gold Rush

Lan Yi Wang
Views: 235853
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Hungry Shark Evolution by Future Games of London


  1. Damn! My old times i miss them. Nostalgia

  2. I already heard this with Alan the Destroyer

  3. I remember it started to fade out at 0:10 when the gold rush would usually end

  4. Imagine swimming and you hear this in the distance

  5. How the heck? Me playing with electrical shark having gold rush each 3 seconds and when I play with Sharknarok rush goes usual when I get score 10 times faster?!

  6. After years of playing I have finally listened to the full version. I feel… Complete.

  7. anyone ever go too deep and fine a bunch of huge sharks as great white or tiger shark and then this starts playing
    you feel invincible
    because you goddamn are

  8. So many memories from hearing this ❤

  9. The only thing that can beat the Gold Rush theme…

    …is the Ghoul Rush theme

  10. Ya cumplí 10 años jugando este juego ❤❤

  11. Jugaba desde que salió por primera ves el Leviatán por aya en el 2013 ya 10 años 😢😢

  12. They supposedly said that this was last thing that they’ve heard before the Oceangate submarine cut contact 😢😔

  13. Que nostalgia, eu lembro que eu sempre jogava isso antes de ir para a escola

  14. Los del submarino viendo como los pezes se vuelven de oro con esta música:

  15. I actually do manage to extend gold rush as Tiger Shark so long this music loop more than twice, it is because I keep stumbled into enemy Megalodon and Dunkleosteus (that is not Big Daddy obviously)

  16. 🐉Палеозойская рептилиоморфа🐉 says:

    Конкистадор, когда нашел Эльдорадо:

  17. If you ever heard the full song,you are a pure MANIAC

  18. It absolutely sounds like some 80's silent comedy show

  19. Bueno yo recarge un frenesí de 16 segundos.

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