TOP 10 STRONGEST SHARKS in HUNGRY SHARK SERIES | Hungry Shark Evolution vs Hungry Shark World -

TOP 10 STRONGEST SHARKS in HUNGRY SHARK SERIES | Hungry Shark Evolution vs Hungry Shark World

Revx Gaming
Views: 1608191
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Top 10 strongest sharks in Hungry Shark Series.
The Rules in Top 10 Strongest Hungry Shark Series :
-Only Playable Sharks With Permanent Level
-All Sharks Max Level
-Skill Already Activated
-No Gold Rush
-No Equipment
-Only Babies Their Own Kind
-No Pets
-The Battle Start with Each Sharks at Far Left & Far Right Screen

I found 2 Mecha Sharkjira weakness while making this content.

Hungry Shark Evolution & Hungry Shark World on Android.

Music : In-Game Music

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